Solar For All

On April 22, 2024, Virginia Energy announced it has been selected to receive $156 million for the Solar for All program through EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. The federal funding will result in more affordable energy through residential solar installations. This program will create new jobs, electric generation and economic benefits for underserved communities and low-income households.

Solar for All Advisory Group: Request for Letters of Interest

Virginia Energy is looking for individuals wanting to participate in an advisory group to help inform and guide the work related to the Solar for All program.

Individuals are invited to provide a letter of interest to participate in the advisory board. Virginia Energy will use the groups' input to make final design decisions. Detailed information about the advisory groups, letter requirements, and submission is available in the PDF below.

Download the Request for Letters of Interest

What is Solar for All?

Solar for All is a federal grant program for states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities and eligible nonprofits to expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities that have access to residential and community solar. The federal Solar for All grant program is managed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and authorized by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The program aims to benefit communities by lower utility costs, boosting the clean energy workforce, and reducing emissions. Virginia received $156M in funding to implement a statewide Solar for All program.

Why did Virginia apply and accept this funding?

The Solar for All federal grant program is structured to provide many benefits to participating states. One important benefit is providing participating residents reduced electricity bills. Another key benefit is the option for solar projects to provide energy storage to increase grid resilience in the case of power outages. Finally, while many Virginians can already produce their own solar power, there have been very limited opportunities for low-to moderate-income residents to participate. Because of these reasons, we applied and accepted this funding, in hopes to allow more Virginians access to affordable, resilient, and clean energy.

When will funding become available?

Virginia Energy intends to make this funding available as soon as possible; however, Virginia Energy will use a year long planning period which will likely end in quarter four of 2025. Implementation of Solar for All will begin after the planning period. All grant funds will be deployed within 5 years of receiving the award. Timelines for supported programs and projects will be updated as that information becomes available. To stay up to date on the program, as well as opportunities for stakeholder engagement on the design of the program, please sign up for the Solar for All mailing list.

How can solar companies participate in this program?

Eligibility requirements and other program guidelines have not yet been finalized. The state cannot provide guidance to solar companies as to how they may or may not be eligible for funding through this program at this time; however, Virginia Energy will be soliciting input on the program soon. To stay up to date on the program, as well as opportunities for stakeholder engagement on the design of the program, please sign up for the Solar for All mailing list.

What projects qualify under this funding?

This funding is designated for residential-serving solar projects that result in a minimum of 20% savings in energy bills. Those projects include:

  • Residential solar for single family units (directly owned or third-party owned)
  • Shared solar subscriptions
  • Multifamily solar plus battery energy storage
  • Necessary upgrades for project deployment

   Residential  Commercial (housing)  Community Scale
 Generation  5KW- 25KW  10KW-3MW  0.5MW- 5MW
 Energy User  Resident  Organization/Resident  Subscribers
 Interconnection  Behind-the-Meter  Behind-the-Meter  Distribution Grid

How does Virginia Energy ensure safe and fair business practices?

Virginia Energy's Solar for All program intends to have robust consumer protection requirements. Specific consumer protections are not yet finalized. To stay up to date on the program, as well as opportunities for stakeholder engagement on the design of the program, please sign up for the Solar for All mailing list.

Am I eligible to get solar through this program?

As directed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Solar for All grant dollars are for low-income residents or those living in communities that are designated as underserved. Up to 50% of Virginia households may be eligible to participate in the Solar for All program. However, specific eligibility requirements for this program have not yet been established. Virginia Energy is convening an Advisory Board to solicit public input on topics including eligibility requirements, income verification, incentive levels, and other details.

If I am a renter or a homeowner with a roof that isn't suitable for solar, will there be options for me to participate?

Virginia's Solar for All program intends to make pathways available for participation by renters and homeowners, including for buildings that may not be well-suited for on-site solar. Renters may qualify to subscribe to shared solar projects.

How much can I save with Virginia Energy's Solar for All program?

Virginia Energy is required to ensure that the average participant will see a 20% reduction in their electric bill.

I received a flyer in the mail or saw ads on social media promoting free or no-cost solar for Virginia residents. Is this related to Virginia Energy's Solar for All Program?

The State of Virginia is not currently distributing any materials or running promotional ads that promote solar incentives. If you see a flyer or ad like this, it did not originate from the state. Anyone who is contacted by a solar installer or salesperson is encouraged to review terms carefully, obtain multiple quotes when possible, and avoid disclosing sensitive personal or financial information to unknown third parties. Consumers who wish to report suspicious or deceptive marketing should contact the Office of the Virginia Attorney General.

How can I learn about other details of this program?

For the answers to more frequently asked questions about this program, click here.

For questions specific to the Solar For All program, please contact:

This website will be updated as new developments are made toward funding projects. Solar for All is federally funded through the Environmental Protection Agency's historic $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), which was created under the Inflation Reduction Act as part of President Biden's Investing in America agenda