In 2020, Governor Northam signed into law the Virginia Clean Economy Act. Within that Act, the Virginia Department of Energy, and other named stakeholders were charged to provide a report with recommendations on how to reach decarbonization goals with the least costs to ratepayers.
That in developing a plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from covered units described in ยง 10.1-1308 of the Code of Virginia, as amended by this act, the Secretary of Natural Resources and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade, in consultation with the State Corporation Commission and the Council on Environmental Justice and appropriate stakeholders, shall report to the General Assembly by January 1, 2022, any recommendations on how to achieve 100 percent carbon-free electric energy generation by 2045 at least cost for ratepayers. Such report shall include a recommendation on whether the General Assembly should permanently repeal the ability to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity for any electric generating unit that emits carbon as a by-product of combusting fuel to generate electricity. Until the General Assembly receives such report, the State Corporation Commission shall not issue a certificate of public convenience and necessity for any investor-owned utility to own, operate, or construct any electric generating unit that emits carbon as a by-product of combusting fuel to generate electricity.
VCEA Report: Achieving Clean Electricity Generation at Least Cost to Ratepayers by 2045 CLICK HERE TO READ REPORT
To view Public Comment Appendix click:Here
To view the September 9th, 2021 webinar, click the following link:
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For more information please contact:Carrie Hearne