Virginia Energy - Mineral Mining - Contact Us


Our Location

Mineral Mining
Virginia Department of Energy
900 Natural Resources Dr, Ste 400
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903

Call us

Phone: (276) 523-8100

Report An Accident

Accidents involving serious personal injury and worker or citizen complaints are investigated promptly. The appropriate regulatory measures are taken to resolve or correct the problems.

Any SERIOUS INJURY or FATALITY taking place on a mine site must be reported by quickest available means whether related to the mining operation or not.

The report must be made VERBALLY to an employee of the Mineral Mining Program.

NOTE: Messages, voice mails, texts, e-mails, etc. are NOT acceptable.

When in doubt, call your mine inspector!

CALL (276)523-8100

When do I need to contact Mineral Mining regarding a mining accident?
You must contact us by the quickest available means (most likely by telephone) whenever an accident occurs at a Virginia mineral mine site that involves a serious personal injury or death to any person. The accident scene must not be disturbed until after we conduct our investigation. You must also notify us immediately upon learning that a person injured at a Virginia mineral mine has been admitted to a hospital for medical treatment.

What is a Serious Personal Injury?
The Mineral Mine Safety Act defines a serious personal injury as "any injury which has a reasonable potential to cause death or any injury other than a sprain or strain which requires an admission to a hospital for 24 hours or more for medical treatment."

Non-serious accidents or Medical Treatment
Mineral Mining encourages you to use our electronic forms submittal system for non-serious accidents: e-Forms Center.

File a Complaint

Incidents involving serious personal injury and worker or citizen complaints are investigated promptly. The appropriate regulatory measures are taken to resolve or correct the problems. Read our Citizens Guide to Complaint Resolution here »

Each Mine Inspector is assigned the responsibility of investigating mineral mine related complaints that are registered within their territory or area. Complaints may be registered for worker safety concerns or for reclamation and environmental concerns. Complaints may be lodged with the site mine inspector or by contacting our office .

For worker safety complaints, we hold the name of the complainant in confidence and it is exempt from release under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. The mineral mine operator is required by the Mineral Mine Safety laws of Virginia to post information describing how to file a complaint. A sign may be useful for this purpose and a sample sign is available for use, reference and printing. Mine operators may contact their mine inspector or our office for a copy of the sign that can be posted at the mine.

,In an effort to provide prompt service, the Mineral Mining Program has set a goal of contacting the complainant within 5 days of receipt of a complaint. Most often the complainant is contacted the day of the complaint. When a complaint is filed we will conduct an investigation and file a written report of findings. The mine operator and the complainant are provided a copy of the complaint investigation report. Complainant confidentiality is maintained in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Our Staff

Paul Saunders
Permitting Manager

(276) 639-9377

Debbie McGann

(434) 996-5910

Renee Savage

(540) 910-5422


Jeff Stewart

(434) 996-5696

Chrissi Wood-Smith
Technical Services

(434) 987-3507

Sarah Hamm
Permit Engineer/
Mine Inspector

(804) 731-6835

Bentley Smith
Permit Engineer/
Mine Inspector

(434) 907-2197

Willie Cochran
Lead Mine Inspector

(540) 750-6637

James Schafer
Lead Mine Inspector

(804) 659-4311