Virginia Energy is thrilled to announce the sub-granting of $1.6 million in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to eligible local governments. This is a big boost to help enhance state-level EECBG initiatives and support local energy improvement efforts.

What's the Subgrant Program All About?

This program helps municipalities, counties, cities, and other local entities in Virginia encourage residents to improve energy efficiency and conservation. If you're eligible, you can compete for Marketing, Education and Outreach subgrants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 by submitting projects that meet the criteria outlined in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Government entities receiving EECBG direct funding allocations, as listed here, are ineligible for this subgrant.

What Kind of Projects Can Get Funded?

  • Capacity Building: Boosting the capabilities of support staff in energy efficiency marketing, education, and outreach (MEO) to residential energy consumers and energy upgrade contractors.
  • Free Energy Audits: Offering complimentary energy audits to spark interest in energy upgrades.
  • MEO Services: Funding services provided by Virginia Energy's contracted MEO vendor for the Virginia One Stop Shop initiative, including website content, emails, social media posts, and digital ads.

How Will We Choose the Projects?

Eligible projects will be awarded on a first come, first served basis and will be reviewed for:

People Sitting

  • Viability and completeness,
  • Readiness for implementation, and
  • Expected impact.

How to Submit a MEO Grant Application

Applications will be accepted until all funding has been awarded or until 11:59 pm on February 21, 2025. Submit your application (below) via email to Paper submissions are not accepted.

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

Application Form

Budget Template

Special Terms and Conditions

Reference Reporting Requirements: While many of these reporting requirements may not apply to our subgrant recipients, we are providing the complete list of DOE reporting requirements for the EECBG program for your reference. Please refer to the NOFO for the specific reporting requirements that we anticipate will apply to the eligible activities under this subgrant.

Subgrant Application FAQ

Community and Industry Working Group Meeting Presentation

Virginia Energy One Stop Shop Community and Industry Strategic Planning Session Recording

Additional Announcements

Virginia Energy Announces Second Round of $1.6M in Energy Efficiency Grants for Local Governments