What better way to advance sustainable energy practices and energy conservation measures than by leading the way! Join us as we compile, track, and measure state agencies’ energy use in energy management dashboards. These dashboard tools will help highlight champions of energy conservation and best practicies as well as aid in pinpointing areas for needed efficiency measures where we can offer support for implementing innovative technologies to help the Commonwealth achieve its energy efficiency goals.

Together we can be the leaders transitioning the Commonwealth towards a greener, more sustainable energy future.

Energy Data Warehouse

Click HERE for detailed overview

Agency Energy Dashboard

Follow the Agency Energy Dashboard navigation panels below to explore how your agency buildings perform and continue to follow us in the future to track your continuous efforts.
Click agency icon below to launch respective agency energy dashboard.

Data Warehouse Training Materials


Brandi Frazier Bestpitch

Energy Data Analyst

Tel: (804)692-0007
Cell: (804)489-1449
Email: brandi.frazierbestpitch@energy.virginia.gov

For questions or to learn more, please contact us