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When you access our store the Web server leaves small files called "cookies" on your hard drive. Cookies help us identify you and customize your ecommerce session. Your privacy and security are not compromised when you accept a cookie from our Web site. Our Web server sends cookies securely, and cookies can't get data from your hard drive, read your e-mail, or access other sensitive information. Cookies, in fact, make your use of our store easier and help us maintain security.


Most browsers are set up to accept cookies, but you can configure yours to refuse cookies or notify you before receiving one. If you turn cookies off in your browser, portions of our site may not work properly during your session. This includes the Virginia Energy ecommerce registration information, account summaries, and any other section that allows you to personalize your experience. If you're in one of these areas and a pop-up box asks if you would like to "accept the cookie," you must answer "yes" in order to move beyond the section that prompted the message.