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Spacer ImagePublication 191: Economic, Radiochemical, and Stable Isotope Constituents in Formation Waters Produced From Coalbed Methane Wells in Buchanan County, Virginia
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By W. Lassetter, 2021, 8.5 x 11 inch report, 35 pages, 8 Figures, 11 Tables, with Appendix 1 containing laboratory analytical reports. Formation waters co-produced from eight coalbed methane (CBM) gas wells located in southwestern Buchanan County were collected for laboratory testing to assess the baseline geochemical, radiochemical and stable isotope compositions. The wells are located in the Oakwood CBM gas field in the southwest Virginia coalfield region. The analytical results may be useful for: 1) identifying beneficial uses of produced waters as an alternative to underground disposal; 2) assessing produced waters as a source of economic resources, including critical mineral elements that are considered essential to the economic and national security of the U.S.; 3) evaluating radiation exposures from Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) that may be encountered during gas exploration, well development activities and water management practices; 4) providing new insight regarding the origins and flow paths of groundwater and the geologic history of water-rock geochemical interactions; and 5) providing a catalyst for additional studies and data acquisition to characterize the variability of formation water compositions across the southwest Virginia coalfield region. Available in downloadable PDF format. Online only.
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