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Sales & Returns Policy


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Spacer ImageSales, Returns and Refunds Policy 
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 All sales are final.  Items received damaged will be exchanged for identical items only.

Google Chrome is recommended.

Payment Options    

All orders must be pre-paid.

The Virginia Energy On-line Store accepts MasterCard and Visa.             

Virginia sales tax is applied to all purchases shipped to a Virginia mailing address.

Tax-exempt organizations must have a W-9 form on file with Virginia Energy before their order is processed.  Completed W-9 forms may be emailed to GeologyMineralResourcesSales@energy.virginia.gov.

If a W-9 form is needed you can Download Here.

 Shipping Charges       

Allow 7-21 business days for US Postal Service.

For expedited shipping (next day or overnight), the customer's UPS or FedEx account number is required.�Please call (434) 951-6340 for assistance.

Current shipping charges to US are:

Total Cost of Items which have Shipping Charges

Postage Charge

Less than $1.50


$1.51 to $10.00


$10.01 to $20.00


$20.01 to $50.00


More than $50.00


For orders shipping outside the�United States�and its territories, the customer's UPS or FedEx account number is required. Please call (434) 951-6340 for assistance.

Questions?  Please feel free to contact:
Virginia Department of Energy
Geology and Mineral Resources
Phone: (434) 951-6341 or e-mail GeologyMineralResourcesSales@energy.virginia.gov