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Spacer ImageBulletin 023: Manganese Deposits of Western Virginia
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by G. W. Stose and H. D. Miser, 6 x 10 inches soft-cover book, 206 pages, 39 figures, 31 plates including folded geologic map, scale 1:500,000, 43 x 27 inches, 1922. This report on the manganese deposits of western Virginia is the second report to be published by the Virginia Geological Survey on that important mineral resource of the State west of the Blue Ridge. It gives a clear exposition of the nature and importance of the manganese deposits of an extensive belt which occupies the western side of the Appalachian Valley and extends from the northern to the southwestern part of the State. Bulletins 017 and 023 complete the survey of the manganese deposits in Virginia west of the Blue Ridge, a region which thus far has contributed the major part of the State’s production of manganese ores. Out-of-print.
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