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Spacer ImagePublication 164: Directory of the Mineral Industry in Virginia - 2001
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P.C. Sweet, 8.5 x 11-inch soft cover book, 24 pages, two tables, 2001. List of mineral producers (companies and individuals) excluding fuels (gas, natural gas, petroleum). Producers and processors are organized alphabetically by material type and county or city. The listing includes names, addresses and telephone numbers, the nearest community to the operation and geologic formation from which materials are produced. An index of operators (companies and individuals) is cross referenced to the material or processing sites. Material categories include: amphibolite, anhydrite, basalt and related rocks, brick plants, cement plants, clay, shale and related materials, coke plant, crushed stone, diabase, dimension stone, dolostone, feldspar, gemstones, glass sand and ground silica, granite and related rocks, gravel, gypsum and anhydrite, iron-oxide pigments, kyanite, lightweight-aggregate plants, lime, limestone and dolostone, mica-processing plants, mineral sand, ornamental aggregate, petroleum refinery, perlite-processing plant, quartzite, sand and gravel, sandstone and quartzite, shale, slate, soapstone, sulfur and vermiculite. Contact information for coal, natural gas and petroleum included.
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