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by J.E. Nolde, J.A. Henderson, Jr., and R.L. Miller, color map with map text, one-sheet, scale 1:24,000, 1998. Map shows the geology and mineral resources of the Virginia portion of the Appalachia and Benham 7.5-minute quadrangles. The map area is located in the southwestern part of Virginia in Wise County. It lies entirely within the Appalachian Plateaus and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces. The bedrock in this area ranges in age from Upper Silurian to Middle Pennsylvanian. The area occupies part of the gently inclined southeast limb of the Middlesboro syncline and part of the steep northwest limb of the Powell Valley anticline. Coal is the primary mineral/energy resource in the map area. Nineteen coal beds have been mapped and many of these coals have been mined by surface and underground methods. Other mineral/energy resources include oil, natural gas, limestone, and sandstone. Map includes cross-section.