{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "These data provide an inventory of slope movement deposits and serves as a portion of the deliverables for completion of landslide hazard mapping in Albemarle and Nelson Counties.", "description": "This feature class contains slope movement deposit polygons in the Slope Movement Geodatabase. These polygons (map units) show the areal extents of significant volumes of earth, debris, and rock fragments that have accumulated as a result of past debris flows and debris slides and, to a lesser extent, rock falls and rock slides. Three primary types of slope movement deposits have been identified in the study area: debris deposits, talus, and relict landslides.", "summary": "These data provide an inventory of slope movement deposits and serves as a portion of the deliverables for completion of landslide hazard mapping in Albemarle and Nelson Counties.", "title": "Deposit polygons located within Albemarle and Nelson Counties", "tags": [ "biota", "landslide", "geologic hazards", "slope movement", "Albemarle County", "Blue Ridge", "VA", "Virginia", "Appalachia", "Nelson County" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Primary authors: Anne C. Witt, Wendy S. Kelly, and Jonathan K. Steinbauer", "licenseInfo": "All users of this electronic data set must read and fully comprehend the metadata prior to use. All electronic and/or hardcopy products (maps, data, and text, etc.) produced by the Virginia Department of Energy - Geology and Mineral Resources Program are considered public information (unless otherwise noted) and may be distributed or copied. When using, distributing or copying this data set as a source, the Originator must be acknowledged. These products are intended to serve for general planning purposes only and are provided on an \"as is\" basis. This data set shall not be used beyond the limits of the set source scale. This data set does not represent a survey document completed by a licensed land surveyor and should not be utilized as such." }